Mains Test Series acts as a stepping stone to the success of taking an entrance examination like SSC-JE. The position and score achieved in the SSC-JE Mains Test Series for Mechanical Engineering by Master Learners can be an indicator of your performance in the real SSC-JE 2022 Mains examination.
This test series has been designed by the subject experts at Master Learners specifically keeping in mind the SSC-JE Mains exam syllabus and previous years’ trend. With the SSC-JE exam getting competitive by the year, by taking the SSC-JE Test Series offered by Master Learners, candidates will get prepared to take on the challenges such as understanding the exam pattern and managing time that are going to come their way.
So be a part of Master Learners SSC-JE 2022 Mains Test Series - Mechanical Engineering, and get accustomed with all the aspects of the SSC-JE exam.
Program Features
SSC JE Paper-II (Mains) Exam Pattern
Paper-II is a conventional type exam conducted in offline mode. Those candidates who clear paper-I will be eligible to appear in paper-II exam. The complete question paper is of 300 marks which have to be attempted in 2 hours. Negative marking is not applicable in Paper-II. The questions are available in both English and Hindi languages. Candidates can attempt questions in any one language as per their convenience. Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Tables and Steam Table for Paper-II.
Paper-II |
Subjects |
Paper Type : Descriptive Maximum Marks: 300 Exam Duration: 2 Hrs |
Part A – General Engineering(Civil and Structural) OR Part B – General Engineering(Electrical) OR Part C – General Engineering(Mechanical) |
SSC JE Paper-II (Mains) Exam Pattern - Mechanical Engineering
All the questions of Mechanical Engineering will be asked from the topics mentioned below:
Topics |
Topics |
Thermodynamics IC Engines Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Fluid Mechanics Fluid Machinery Power Plant Engineering |
Engineering Mechanics Material Science Theory of Machines Machine Design Production Engineering Strength of Materials |
There are total 11 Tests in the Test Series includes 07 Mixed Subjects Tests and 04 Full Length Mock Tests.
Test series will start from 23rd June 2024 and will be continued till 01st September on every sunday.
Test will be held as per the schedule. You can check the timings in Test Schedule section.
Test is designed with multiple subjects which will enhance your preparation in taking multiple subjects at a time. The subject will be covered with multiple times revision as per their weightage in exam.
Test can be attempted and submitted anytime from anywhere till the validity of the test. You are suggested to take the test on scheduled time for your better preparation discipline.
To access mains online test series, follow below steps:
- Login to student zone. Login Here
- Go to Test Section in left side menu.
- Click on SSC-JE Mains Exam Test Series.
- Click on "View Tests"
- Go to the particular Tests and Click on "Start Test" and proceed further.
- Follo the further instruction and take the test.
If there is any concern, you can mail us to [email protected] or call us on +91 9717831666
Yes, copy of the test series will be provided on the date and it will remain in your account till its validity so that you can practice the test once again (if required).
Yes, test can be appeared from mobile phone through Master Learners Android App only. Through mobile browser interface will not be legible and you won't be able to attempt test properly.
Yes, after start date, answer sheet will be available in your account.
No, question paper can’t be downloaded, however you can view and bookmark the questions.
Yes, answer of the question will be provided along with detailed analysis of his perfromance in the test. It will be available in student portal.
No, This is neither refundable nor transferrable.